Cartesian Point Class

Learn how to code the direction of a point from a line and calculate the x- and y-coordinates.

Introduction to the Cartesian system

Let’s dive into the discrete mathematical concept of vector space. In computer science, vectors represent a couple of things, such as lists of only rows or of rows and columns. Sometimes, we can place a vector point with two coordinates, x and y, and find the direction of the point concerning a line segment.

This algorithm is used in producing maps and directions, finding the area of polygons, and much more using vector cross products.

“How do we get the direction of a point on a map? Should we turn right or left? We can figure that out using the x- and y-coordinates: x for right, y for left. We can also move forward if that point lies on the same line.”

In geometry, three concepts are vital: point, line, and plane. To understand these concepts, let’s first see the illustration below.

Finding the direction of point C with respect to line AB

Using the cross product for the position of points

Looking at the illustration, we can say that point C is on the left side of the line segment AB (moving from point A to B). Is there any formula to find that in vector space?

Yes, there is. We can use the vector cross product.

In our next Java program, let’s calculate the direction of C from line segment AB.

class PointClass{
double x,y;
class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) {
PointClass a = new PointClass();
a.x = -4;
a.y = 3;
PointClass b = new PointClass();
b.x = 2;
b.y = -3;
PointClass c = new PointClass();
c.x = -5;
c.y = -3;
PointClass ba = new PointClass();
ba.x = b.x - a.x;
ba.y = b.y - a.y;
PointClass ca = new PointClass();
ca.x = c.x - a.x;
ca.y = c.y - a.y;
double crossProductsOfBAndC = (ba.y * ca.x) - (ba.x * ca.y);
if(crossProductsOfBAndC > 0){
System.out.println("The point C is on the left of line AB.");
} else if(crossProductsOfBAndC < 0){
System.out.println("The point C is on the right of line AB.");
} else {
System.out.println("The point C is on the same line of AB.");
Java code for figuring out the location of a point

Take a look at the output of the file:

The point C is on the left of line AB.

Next, let’s change all the coordinates of C ...

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