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Reintroducing React: V16 and Beyond
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Why Comics?
Why Reintroduce React?
What’s Changed Since Version 16?
New Lifecycle Methods
What’s Lifecycle Anyway?
Method 1: static getDerivedStateFromProps
Method 2: getSnapshotBeforeUpdate
Method 2: getSnapshotBeforeUpdate Extension in Detail
The Error Handling Lifecycle Methods
Method 1: static getDerivedStateFromError
Method 2: componentDidCatch
Context API
Simpler State Management with the Context API
Introduction to Context API
Provider and Consumer Components
Example: The Mini-Bank Application
Identifying Props being Drilled
Avoid Props Drilling with Context
Isolating Implementation Details
Updating Context Values
Using Context without a Consumer
Using a Class Component with contextType
React.memo === Functional PureComponent
How React.memo works?
Handling Deeply Nested Props
The Profiler
Identifying Performance Bottlenecks
Measuring Performance in React Apps
Getting Started
How does the Profiler Work?
Making Sense of the Profiler Results
The Flamegraph
The Ranked Chart
Component Stats
Example: Identifying Performance BottleNecks in the Bank App
Noting the Expected Behavior
Interpreting the Flamegraph
Profile Different Interactions
The Provider Value
Lazy Loading
Lazy Loading with React.lazy and Suspense
What is Lazy Loading?
Using React.lazy and Suspense
Handling Errors
No Named exports
Code Splitting Routes
Adding Lazy Loading to the Bank App
Building Simpler React Apps
Introducing Hooks
The Candy Bowl - An Analogy
The State Hook
Multiple useState calls
Object as Initial Values
The Effect Hook
Passing Array Dependencies
Build Your Own Hooks
The Rules of Hooks
Advanced Hooks
Where to Go from Here?
Why Reintroduce React?
Let's learn why we need a reintroduction.
We'll cover the following
My Experience with React
Revise Your React Concepts
Catching Up with Every Update
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