Multi-Architecture Images

Learn what multi-architectural images are and how they provide support across different platforms and architectures.

One of the best things about Docker is its simplicity. However, as technologies grow, things get more complex. This happened for Docker when it started supporting multiple different platforms and architectures, such as Windows and Linux, on variations of ARM, x64, PowerPC, and s390x. All of a sudden, popular images had versions for different platforms and architectures. As developers and operators, we had to make sure we were pulling the correct version for the platform and architecture we were using. This broke the smooth Docker experience.

Note: We’re using the term “architecture” to refer to CPU architecture, such as x64 and ARM. We use the term “platform” to refer to either the OS (Linux or Windows) or the combination of OS and architecture.

Multi-architecture images to the rescue

Fortunately, Docker and Docker Hub have a slick way of supporting multi-arch images. This means a single image, such as golang:latest, can have an image for Linux on x64, Linux on PowerPC, Windows x64, Linux on different versions of ARM, and more. To be clear, we’re talking about a single image tag supporting multiple platforms and architectures. We’ll see it in action in a second, but it means you can run a simple docker image pull golang:latest from any platform or architecture and Docker will pull the correct image for your platform and architecture.

Internal working of multi-architectural images

To make this happen, the Registry API supports two important constructs:

  • Manifest lists
  • Manifests

The manifest list is exactly what it sounds like: a list of architectures supported by a particular image tag. Each supported architecture then has its own manifest that details the layers that make it up.

The figure below uses the official golang image as an example. On the left is the manifest list with entries for each architecture the image supports. The arrows show that each entry in the manifest list points to a manifest containing image config and layer data.

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