The Deep Dive

Learn the differences between the container and the VM models, and learn why containers are faster.

The first things we’ll cover here are the fundamental differences between a container and a VM. It’s mainly a theory at this point, but it’s important.

Heads-up: As the author, I’m going to say this before we go any further. A lot of us are passionate about the things we do and the skills we have. You remember big Unix people resisting the rise of Linux. You might also remember people resisting VMware in the early days. In both cases, resistance was futile. In this section, I’m going to highlight what I consider some of the advantages the container model has over the VM model. But I’m guessing a lot of you will be VM experts with a lot invested in the VM ecosystem. I’m also guessing that many of you will disagree with some of the things I say. But don’t worry, I’m not trying to destroy your empire or call your baby ugly. Containers and VMs will run side-by-side for many years to come.

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