Update Files
Let’s find out how to allow users to update the data of the uploaded file.
The third function in the CRUD operations is the update operation, which allows the user to update the data of the uploaded file. In this lesson, we’ll enable this feature in the application by creating an update option for each file so that the user can update the name
and description
of any chosen file.
Update service
The third service is written in
file, in order to update a file uploaded by a certain user in the database. We write the update service like this:
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// front-end/src/services/user.service.js// ...rest of the codeconst updateFile = (file) => {return axios.put(`/file/${file._id}`,{ ...file },{headers: { ...authHeader() },});};const UserService = {upload,getFiles,updateFile};export default UserService;
Update form
The update operation is represented as a form the user can fill in to change the name and description of the file. ...
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