Solution: Quality Assurance

Challenge solutions

Great job on completing all the steps in the previous challenge! Feel free to compare your code solutions with the solutions below:

Solution 1: Test if the tasks are visible

  1. Pump the TasksList widget in readiness for testing.

        // Build the widget to test
        await tester.pumpWidget(
            MaterialApp(home: Scaffold(body: tasksListWidget)),
  2. Use finder functions to confirm that tasks are shown on screen.

        // Verify that tasks are shown
        expect(find.text('Task 1'), findsOneWidget);
        expect(find.text('Task 2'), findsOneWidget);
        expect(find.text('Task 3'), findsOneWidget);

Solution 2: Test if the tasks can be dismissed

  1. Drag a task to dismiss it from the screen.

        // Drag the task to dismiss it
        await tester.drag(
            of: find.text('Task 2'),
            matching: find.byWidgetPredicate((w) => w is CheckboxListTile),
          const Offset(500, 0),
  2. Wait till the drag to dismiss action is completed.

        // Wait for the task to be dismissed and delete confirmation SnackBar shown
        await tester.pumpAndSettle();
  3. Test that the task has been removed from the screen and a SnackBar has been shown to the user, confirming that the task is deleted.

        // Verify that the task is deleted and a SnackBar is shown
        expect(find.text('Task 2'), findsNothing);
        final snackBarFinder = find.byType(SnackBar);
        expect(snackBarFinder, findsOneWidget);

Final app

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