Snackbar, Dialog, and Bottom Sheet
Learn to create and open snackbar, dialog, and bottom sheet using GetX.
We often use pop-ups in our apps to show messages or some basic UI. These pop-ups aren’t full pages but overlays that stack on the current page. However, navigating to and back from these overlays uses the same system.
There are three kinds of overlays in Flutter: snackbar, dialog, and bottom sheet. Let’s discuss each one.
Flutter requires us to use context to open up these overlays, but GetX removes that dependency. This means we are not restricted to opening the overlays from the view; we can open them from anywhere in the code.
Snackbars are tiny message overlays that appear for a set duration and are typically used to give the user feedback about an action or error.
Default snackbar
Here’s what the default snackbar in GetX looks like:
GetX decorates the snackbar by default, so the code for the above looks like this:
Get.snackbar('TITLE', 'MESSAGE');
takes in the title and message directly, and we can also provide other parameters for more customization.
Material snackbar
In case we want to ...
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