

The GetxService Class

The GetxService Class

Learn to implement services available for the entire app’s life cycle using the GetxService class.

Need for GetxService

Different use cases require different classes. The usual controller classes of GetX do not work well when we want persistent services like database, cache, or authentication services. We require the service classes to stay alive for the entire app’s life cycle and ideally be available throughout the app.

For features like these, we use GetxService, a class that follows the same life cycle as GetxController but never gets disposed of. Let’s learn more about this class and how we should use it.

GetxService is part of the main GetX package and not the GetStorage library. However, as it complements the storage implementation, we will cover it in this chapter.


We’ll take the example of a local storage service. GetxService, along with GetStorage, is perfect for this use case. To create and initialize the storage service, follow the steps below:

  1. First, create a subclass of GetxService.

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