Exploring Players' Dialogue Choices (Lab)

Learn to use Glyph for visualization of VPALData.

Load up Glyph

Please go to the link. This loads up VPAL dialogue data. We’ve already seen VPAL data in the earlier chapter. The data used in this visualization is just the dialog part of one of the levels. We can start interacting with the interface to familiarize ourselves with it.

Note: The state graph is to the left and the sequence graph is to the right. Green nodes in the sequence graph represent sequences that completed the given quest, whereas pink nodes are ones that didn’t.

Interacting with Glyph

We can interact by selecting nodes in the sequence graph to see which pattern gets highlighted. As the pattern gets highlighted, we can move nodes around in the state graph to see the sequence more clearly. We can also inspect the dialogue represented by the states and transitions via the pop-ups that appear on the right and upper-left sides of the screen as we highlight different parts of the visualization.

Try clicking on different nodes on the sequence graph and see how the state graph reacts and dialogue patterns change.

Highlighting two (or more) different sequences

To compare different sequences, we can highlight different nodes in the sequence graph. In particular, click on two nodes that are very different, then make sure we remember their numbers. Then, go to the text field right next to the text, “Enter more or many sequence indices to highlight” on the upper right. Enter the two (or more) numbers with separated semicolons, as shown in the figure below. Then, click “Highlight.” This will cause the glyph to highlight the two nodes so we can inspect their differences. See the figure below.

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