Introduction to Window Shopping

Learn how to create the skeleton project and get an introduction to Base64 code.


In this chapter, we will explore the Basic authentication mechanism and learn about the headers and encoding. We’ll start by explaining how we can create the project skeleton with Maven. We will also compare the usage of a third party library and the Jakarta EE standard to perform the task.

Project creation

As discussed in the introduction, we will use Maven to build our projects. If you are more familiar with Gradle or any other build tool, you can use the one you’re most comfortable with. We will only use the tool to define dependencies and generate the web archive that we will run each time.

There are several ways we can create a pom.xml file with WAR packaging and the Jakarta EE Web API as a provided dependency. We can make it manually using IDE, copy it from another project, or use one of the Maven Archetypes to create the project.

The important parts of the Maven project file in our examples are:

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