Home>Courses>JakartaEE Security Workshop



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JakartaEE Security Workshop

Explore Java Enterprise security, focusing on authentication, authorization, and information security. Gain insights into encoding, encryption, and hashing. Discover OAuth2 and OpenID Connect integration techniques.
Explore Java Enterprise security, focusing on authentication, authorization, and information security. Gain insights into encoding, encryption, and hashing. Discover OAuth2 and OpenID Connect integration techniques.


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This course includes

39 Lessons
25 Playgrounds
6 Quizzes
Course Overview
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Course Overview

This course covers authentication and authorization within web applications in Java Enterprise security. Security is a vast concept with many aspects. In particular, we'll focus on the security of applications and the data they contain, an area that is known as information security. We will start by identifying our end users and dive deep into the differences between encoding, encryption, and hashing techniques. After that, we will learn to propagate information with microservices architecture. By the end...Show More
This course covers authentication and authorization within web applications in Java Enterprise security. Security is a vast conc...Show More


Authorization and Authentication

What You'll Learn

An understanding of encoding, encryption, and hashing
The ability to propagate permission information within a microservice architecture
A working knowledge of OAuth2 and OpenID Connect
Hands-on practice with integrating OAuth2 and OpenID Connect
An understanding of encoding, encryption, and hashing

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Course Content


Before We Begin

1 Lessons

Get familiar with Java enterprise security concepts, practices, and standards using Java, Maven, and Payara Micro.



2 Lessons

Look at key concepts of Java Enterprise security and software requirements for Payara Micro.



3 Lessons

Explore key security concepts: authentication, authorization, encoding, encryption, and hashing.


Authentication Methods

8 Lessons

Take a closer look at implementing various authentication methods in JakartaEE, including OAuth2 and OpenID Connect integration.



4 Lessons

Investigate Java EE standards, IdentityStore, authentication mechanisms, roles, and permissions in security.


Authentication Data Stores

6 Lessons

Master the steps to configure secure authentication mechanisms using LDAP, databases, and form-based methods.

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