

CSS in Dash

CSS in Dash

Learn what CSS is and how to style Dash apps using convenient Dash functions and methods.

CSS and Dash

CSS is an important part of web development, as it allows developers to control the layout and appearance of HTML content. It works by using a set of rules that are applied to specific HTML elements, which define how they should be styled. These rules can be written in a separate CSS file or included directly in an HTML document using the style attribute.

CSS offers a wide range of styling options, including font size and style, color, spacing, and layout. It also allows developers to add animations and other visual effects to their web pages. By separating the content and presentation layers of a website, CSS makes it easier to make changes to the site’s appearance without affecting the underlying content.

One of the key features of CSS is its cascading nature, which means that styles are applied in a specific order, with later rules overriding earlier ones. This allows for greater flexibility and control over the final appearance of a web page. CSS also supports the use of media queries, which allow developers to specify different styles for different devices or screen sizes.

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