The Basics of Data Visualization

Learn how to chart data with Rust and elicit powerful insights through data viz.

Data viz, because we want to see data

Data visualization, or data viz, is much more than filling report pages with eye candy to make it less dull and more dynamic.

We rely heavily on our sight. As such, we process information better when it’s visually interesting. Data is, unfortunately, often very dull to look at.

Charts and data viz

If we can provide meaningful visual representations of data, we can draw stronger conclusions. The data remains the same, but seeing it on a chart elicits powerful insights and helps us to reason better.

That said, we often associate charts with spreadsheets, and beautiful charts with post-production touch ups, but it doesn’t have to be so. We can accomplish very good results within the Rust ecosystem.


Rust provides many crates to help us visualize data. Let’s start with poloto, which is one of the simplest. Poloto outputs ...

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