Important Links
List of important links.
Here is a list of important links used in the course.
What are React and React Native?
The talks about React can be found on the official React docs.
We can read more details on Lean Core.
We can find even more examples with links to articles in the React Native showcase.
Managing State in a Simple React App
Example of components with state.
State vs. Props article on Lucy.
GitHub page on State vs. Props.
Adding life cycle methods to a class.
A full blog post about hooks.
React Navigation—bottom tab navigation.
React Navigation guide on authentication flow.
React Navigation guide on nesting navigators.
Planning and Setting Up the Funbook App
Styling and Populating the Funbook App
Passing additional props in React Navigation
What should be in params in React Navigation
Implementing Redux in our Funbook App
Why use Redux Toolkit?
Redux core concepts
Mark Erikson’s blog on how he became a Redux maintainer
Egghead tutorial by Dan Abramov
Stack Overflow answer about state mutations
Using MobX as a State Manager in a React Native app
Ignite: React Native boilerplate by Infinite Red.
Intro to MobX-State-Tree and MobX-React by Jamon Holmgren
Untangling Complex Flows in React Native Apps with XState
Integrating Jotai in a React Native App
The GitHub page of React Suspense fetch
The GitHub page of React hooks fetch
The GitHub page of React hooks worker
GeekyHub article on Difference between
and calling a function directly inside a componentReact Navigation article on the
Using React Query for Server-Side-Driven State Management
If you want to read about these utilities and how to use them in more detail, head over to the TanStack documentation
TanStack Query updates from mutation responses