Project Challenge: Create a Task Management Application

Let’s create a task management application using the concepts discussed in the previous lessons.

Problem statement

Here is a coding challenge that incorporates everything we covered up to this point. We are going to create a basic task management application that can be used by multiple users. You should be able to reuse many of the scripts we have created before, but it is advised you create a new project for this challenge. For your convenience, we have already done that.


  1. Create a page called /tasks that can only be accessed when you’re logged in. If the user has not logged in yet, redirect them to the login page.
  2. Create a login page just like we did before. The login form requires the user to fill in a username and password. When submitted, you compare the provided data with an array of known users and password hashes. If the provided username and password are correct, save the username in the session and redirect to /tasks.
  3. On the /tasks page, add a form where the user can enter a task. When they submit it, you save the task to an array in the session. Make sure to keep the tasks of users separated by storing them in a separate key, for example:

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