Ethereum Clients

Learn how to turn a computer into an Ethereum node.

Ethereum is a P2PIn a P2P network, each node is connected to other nodes (peers) without the need for central coordination. network of computers (nodes). Almost any computer can be turned into an Ethereum node with software components known as clients.

In the beginning, only one client was sufficient (known as the Eth1 client), but with the switch to PoS, concerns were separated into distinct components to allow faster development, easier maintenance, and evolution of the software. Now, a PoS Ethereum network requires two different clients to turn a computer into an Ethereum node:

  • The execution client.

  • The consensus client.

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Ethereum clients
Ethereum clients

Current implementations of the execution client can be run in Eth1 mode to provide compatibility with PoW or PoA networks.

Ethereum yellow paper

A published formal specification known as the Yellow Paper defines Ethereum. This specification formalizes the behavior of an Ethereum client and is updated regularly when significant modifications are made to Ethereum.

As a result, clients are available in a range of computer languages developed by various teams. The common specification ensures interoperability and interchangeability.

Multiple client implementations can strengthen the network because if a client has a vulnerability, developers can fix it while other clients keep the network running. ...

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