Challenge: Database Management

Complete this hands-on exercise to test your knowledge of database management in React Native.

This challenge will test your knowledge of database management in React Native. You’ll use these concepts to create a minimalistic user interface.


You are provided a React Native application with these screens:

  • Home page

  • Login page

  • Register page

  • Profile page

You have to add these functionalities to the user interface:

  • Clicking the “Sign in” button on the Login page should redirect the user to the Profile page. The user should only be redirected if these conditions are fulfilled:

    • The user is currently registered.
    • The email and password provided by the user are correct.
  • Clicking the “Sign up” button on the Register page should register the user. Afterward, the user should be redirected to the Profile page. The user should only be registered and redirected if this condition is fulfilled:

    • The user is not currently registered.
  • Display the appropriate response messages using an alert box for the tasks mentioned above.

Expected output

The illustrations below show what the final output should look like after completing the challenge.

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