Function Parameters: Summary

This lesson summarizes the how parameters can be passed to functions.

Summary #

  • A parameter is what the function takes from its calling function to accomplish its task.

  • An argument is an expression (e.g. a variable) that is passed to a function as a parameter from the calling function.

  • Every argument is passed by copy.

    • However, for reference types, it is the reference that is copied, not the original variable.
  • in specifies that the parameter is used only for data input.

  • out specifies that the parameter is used only for data output.

  • ref specifies that the parameter is used for data input and data output.

  • auto ref is used in templates only. It specifies that if the argument is an lvalue, then a reference to it is passed; if the argument is an rvalue, then it is passed by copy.

  • const guarantees that the parameter is not modified inside the function.

    • Remember that const is transitive: any data reached through a const variable is const as well.
  • immutable requires the argument to be immutable.

  • inout appears both at the parameter and the return type and transfers the mutability of the parameter to the return type.

  • lazy is used to make a parameter be evaluated when (and every time) it is actually used.

  • scope guarantees that no reference to the parameter will be leaked from the function.

  • shared requires the parameter to be shared.

  • return on a parameter requires the parameter to live longer than the returned reference.

In the next lesson, you will find a coding challenge related to function parameters.

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