
Learn how you can add Flow to your project as a dependency, ensure that Flow syntax is stripped from the compiled code, add type annotations, and run Flow to check them.

Setting up Flow

In contrast to React PropTypes, Flow is a static typechecker for JavaScript, not just for React components. Flow is also developed in-house at Facebook and thus integrates smoothly with most React setups. Up to version Babel 6, it even came pre-installed as part of the babelpreset-react and could be used without further setup.


Since Babel 7, Flow has been ported to its own Babel preset. To install it, you can run:

npm install @babel/preset-flow

Or, to install via Yarn:

yarn add @babel/preset-flow

Setting Babel preset

In addition to the installation step, you also have to manually set the @babel/preset-flow as a preset in the Babel config. Presets allow us to remove non-JavaScript syntax—in this case, Flow syntax—during the build process so that we will not run into errors in the browser.

Installing Flow executable

Apart from the Babel Preset, the Flow executable needs to be installed via:

npm install flow-bin

Or, install it the following way using Yarn:

yarn add flow-bin

This will take care of the actual typechecking.

Creating a Flow config

Once Flow has been installed and the Babel Preset has been set up, we have to create a Flow config by executing the following command in the terminal in our current project directory:

./node_modules/flow init

To avoid prepending ./node_modules every time we callFlow, we can make an addition in the script section of the package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "flow": "flow"

This allows us to call Flow via npm or yarn:

npm run flow init
yarn flow init

Once flow init has been executed, a new file called .flowconfig should have been created in the project directory. The file itself looks empty for now, but Flow needs it to function correctly. In the future, we can manage which files should be checked by Flow and which should not be based on the options set in these files.

Typechecking with Flow

We can now start typechecking with Flow. To check that everything has been set up correctly, we can execute flow. If you added the entry to the package.json as shown above, running yarn flow will suffice. When everything has been set up correctly, a message such as this one is displayed to us:

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