Creating a Store

Learn how to create a Redux store, get the current state from the store, and pass actions to update the stored state.

The createStore function

To create a store that will manage the global state, we have to import the createStore function from the redux package. We can call it by passing it a reducer function. This function returns a store object to us, which contains all the methods necessary to interact with the store-namely, dispatch, getState, and subscribe. The latter two are not of the same importance when working with React, but we have mentioned them for the sake of completion. In React and Redux applications, the react-redux binding components take care of the rerendering of components if they are affected by a change of the state. Let’s look at an example:

import { createStore } from 'redux';

const initialState = 0;

const counterReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'PLUS': {
      return state + (action.payload || 0);
    case 'MINUS': {
      return state - (action.payload || 0);
    default: {
      return state;

const store = createStore(counterReducer);

We’ve just created our first simple store with a counter reducer. The createStore function only takes a single parameter in this example (the counterReducer), indicating that the initial state is set to undefined. So, we’ve set the initialState as the standard parameter, which equates to 0 in this example.

If we pass another parameter to the createStore function, this parameter is passed as the first state to our reducer function:

const store = createStore(counterReducer, 3);

Instead of undefined, the initial value for our state parameter passed to the counterReducer would equate to 3. The initialState would not be set, and our counter would start counting at 3 instead of 0.

The first initial action being dispatched takes the form of:

{type: '@@redux/INIT5.3.p.j.l.8'}

Looking at our example, this means that the default case will activate and that only the state passed will be returned (which also equates to the initialState).

This default case is important. If no other case of the switch statement can be fulfilled, the current state needs to be returned from the function to avoid unwanted side effects. The reducer function is executed after each dispatch call and dictates the value of the next state by returning it from the function.

Getting state using store.getState()

Calling store.getState() after initialization, we obtain an initialState of 0:

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