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REST APIs with Spring, JPA, and Springfox
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Introduction to Spring Boot
Spring Boot—Framework, Project, and Package Structure
Dependency Management
Configuration and Application Start-Up
Summary: Introduction to Spring Boot
Develop REST APIs
Develop the POJOs
Develop the REST Controllers
Develop the Services
Implement REST APIs for CRUD Operations - Part 1
Implement REST APIs for CRUD Operations - Part 2
REST APIs for TodoType
REST APIs Request and Response
Handle JSON Request and Response
Handle XML Request and Response
Summary: Develop REST APIs
Database Integration With Spring Data JPA
Spring Data JPA
Setup Entities
Setup JPA Repositories
Setup Services
Integrate POST REST APIs to JPA Repository
Integrate the GET REST APIs to JPA Repository
Integrate PUT REST APIs to JPA Repository
Integrate DELETE REST APIs to JPA Repository
Pagination and Sorting
Derived Query Methods in Repositories
Custom JPA methods Using @Query and @NamedQuery
Bean Validation Using The Hibernate Validator
Create Custom Validator
Domain Events
Summary: Database Integration With Spring Data JPA
REST APIs With Spring Data REST
REST APIs for Repository Resources
Support for Paging and Sorting
ETags for REST APIs
Customize Spring Data REST URL Path
Customize Supported HTTP Methods
Custom HTTP Method and Overriding Response Handler
Customize Resource JSON Output
Summary: REST APIs With Spring Data REST
Aspect Oriented Programming
Spring AOP Setup
Implement Cross-Cutting Concerns Using AspectJ Annotations
Exception Handling Using AOP
AOP Introductions
Summary: Aspect Oriented Programming
Spring Framework Testing
Get Started with Spring Boot Starter Test
Unit Testing with Mockito and JUnit5
Test Database Access Using @DataJpaTest
Test The Controller With @WebMvcTest
Writing Integration Tests Using @SpringBootTest
Test REST APIs Using @RestClientTest
Test with MockWebServer
Assertions with AssertJ
Assertions with JsonPath
Summary: Spring Framework Testing
Consuming APIs
cURL Commands
Postman API Platform
API Documentation With Swagger
API documentation, Swagger, and Springfox
Springfox Configurations
Swagger UI
Swagger API Documentation
Summary: API Documentation With Swagger
API Documentation Using Spring REST Docs
Spring REST Docs Setup and Configuration
Document REST API with @AutoConfigureRestDocs
Asciidoctor Setup
Using Snippets for Documentation
Summary: API Documentation Using Spring REST Docs
Spring Boot Actuator
Get Started with Spring Boot Actuator
Explore Built-in Actuator Endpoints
Actuator Health and Info Endpoints
Actuator Metrics Endpoint
Create Custom Actuator Endpoint
Customizing Endpoints
Summary: Spring Boot Actuator
Wrapping Up
Let’s look at few ways to start the todo application.
We'll cover the following
Spring Boot project setup
Using Spring initializr website
Using IntelliJ IDEA
Using Eclipse
Application startup
Using IntelliJ IDEA
Using terminal
Spring Boot project setup
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