Swarm Primer

Let's get a bird's eye view of Docker Swarm.

Swarm nodes

On the clustering front, a swarm consists of one or more Docker nodes. These can be physical servers, VMs, Raspberry Pi’s, or cloud instances. The only requirement is that all nodes have Docker installed and can communicate over reliable networks.

Managers and workers

Nodes are configured as managers or workers. Managers look after the cluster’s control plane, meaning things like the state of the cluster and dispatching tasks to workers. Workers accept tasks from managers and execute them.

Swarm configuration

The configuration and state of the swarm is held in a distributed etcd database located on all managers. It’s kept in memory and is extremely up-to-date. But the best thing about it is that it requires zero configuration; it’s installed as part of the swarm and takes care of itself.

Swarm security

Something game-changing on the clustering front is the approach to security. TLS is so tightly integrated that it’s impossible to build a swarm without it. In today’s security-conscious world, things like this deserve all the plaudits they get. Swarm uses TLS to encrypt communications, authenticate nodes, and authorize roles. Automatic key rotation is also thrown in as the icing on the cake. And the best part is that it all happens so smoothly that you don’t even know it’s there.


The atomic unit of scheduling on a swarm is the service on the application orchestration front. This is a new object in the API, introduced along with swarm, and is a higher-level construct that wraps some advanced features around containers. These include scaling, rolling updates, and simple rollbacks. It’s useful to think of a service as an enhanced container.

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