Asynchronous Action Creators

Learn about the async action creators in server communication.

Let’s start by looking at a server communication implementation with async action creators using the redux-thunk library to understand the underlying pitfalls of this approach:

const fetchUser = id => dispatch =>
    .then(({ data: userData }) => dispatch(setUserData(userData)));

Consider another example where we would like to fetch a list of comments for a user:

const fetchComments = id => dispatch =>
    .then(({ data: commentsData }) => dispatch(setComments(commentsData)));

Even without the more complex functionality mentioned earlier, the code contains many duplications between action creators. And there are a few other problematic issues:

  • We can’t log actions before the network request completes, preventing the regular Redux debug flow.
  • Every action creator has repetitive functionality for handling errors and setting headers.
  • Testing gets more challenging as more async action creators are added.
  • If we want to change the server communication strategy (e.g., replace axios with superagent), we need to change multiple places in the codebase.

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