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How to use fseek function in C

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What it does

fseek is a function in the C library that allows the user to set the file pointer at a specific offset.

Function syntax

Below is the declaration for fseek:


fp: The pointer to the FILE object that you intend to access.

offset: The number of bytes to offset from the whence position.

whence: The position at which the file object is accessed and the point from which the offset is added. The whence position can be specified using the following 3 constants:

  • SEEK_SET – Places file pointer at the beginning of the file.

  • SEEK_CUR – Places file pointer at a given position.

  • SEEK_END – Places file pointer at the end of file.

Return Value

The fseek function returns zero if it executes without error. Otherwise, it returns a non-zero value.


In the following example, we open a text file (placed in the same directory) and print everything after the first word, “hello”:

#include <stdio.h>
// function that prints from the file pointer til
// the end of file
void print_onwards(FILE* myfile)
int i;
while( (i = fgetc(myfile)) != EOF)
int main()
FILE *myfile;
myfile = fopen("myFile.txt", "r");
// Placing file pointer after hello
// (5 characters == 5 bytes)
fseek(myfile, 5, SEEK_SET);
return 0;

In the example above, we placed the file pointer myfile at an offset of 5 bytes from the SEEK_SET position. This means we skipped the first 5 characters of “Hello”. We then printed the file from the position of the file pointer until the end of the file using the print_onwards function.




Faraz Karim
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