Solution Review: Anonymous Functions

In the following lesson, we will go over the solution of the challenge: Anonymous Functions.

We'll cover the following


In this challenge, you had to create two functions.

  1. printAdd - add two numbers and prints the result
  2. printSubtract - subtracts two numbers and prints the result


A skeleton of the function was already provided for you. Let’s look it over.

def arithmeticPrinter(f: (Int,Int) => Int, x: Int, y: Int) = {

def printAdd(x: Int, y: Int) = {

def printSubtract(x:Int, y: Int) = {

The arithmeticPrinter function you created in a previous challenge was provided for you. You had to use arithmeticPrinter and an anonymous function to write the function body of both printAdd and printSubtract. Remember that arithmeticPrinter's first parameter is a function. The function to be passed in this challenge was an anonymous function.

  • printAdd - To write the function body for printAdd, you needed to pass an anonymous function to arithmetic operator which takes two parameters and returns their sum.
arithmeticPrinter((x,y) => x+y, x, y)
  • printSubtract - To write the function body for printSubtract, you needed to pass an anonymous function to arithmetic operator which takes two parameters and returns their difference.
arithmeticPrinter((x,y) => x-y, x, y)

You can find the complete solution below:

You were required to write the code on line 6 and line 10.

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