

Logical Operators

Logical Operators

In the following lesson, you will be introduced to logical operators.

Types of Logical Operators

Logical operators are operators that perform logic operations such as the Logical AND and Logical OR. They take Boolean type operands and yield Boolean type results. Below is a list of the logical operators supported by Scala.

Operator Name Use
&& Logical AND If both the operands are not false then the result is true
|| Logical OR If any of the two operands is not false then the result is true
! Logical NOT Reverses the logical state of its operand. If a condition is true then the Logical NOT operator will make it false

! is a unary operator, i.e. it takes one operand.

Follow the Rules

Below, you’ll find a list of the reduction rules for logical operators. The list is handy as it will summarize how each operator reduces expressions into their final form.

exp is an arbitrary expression that can be replaced with an operand of type Boolean. The operand can be true or false itself or can be an expression that reduces to true or false.

Let’s now see these rules in action. For example, our arbitrary expression exp will be A && B whereA is true and B is false.

Try to figure out what the output would be before pressing RUN.

Press + to interact
val A = true
val B = false
val exp = A && B //false
println(true && exp)
println(false && exp)
println(true || exp)
println(false || exp)

A && B reduces to false as B is false and from our list of rules, we know that false && exp --> false

Short-Circuit Evaluation

Note that && and || do not always need their right operand to be evaluated. For instance, when using &&, if our first operand is false, our final result will always be false irrespective of the second operand. Expressions which are built with && and || are only evaluated as far as needed to determine the result. This is why we say these expressions use short-circuit evaluation.

Hence, when the compiler sees false &&....., it will return false without evaluating what comes after &&. This reduces unnecessary compile time.

That sums up logical operators. Let’s move on to bitwise operators in the next lesson.