ListView Widget: Listing Entries
In this lesson, we discuss displaying movie titles in a list in detail.
In the last lesson, a big blob of API responses was displayed on the main screen. In this lesson, you’ll see how to display each movie entry in its own row using the ListView
Flutter widget.
ListView widget
ListView widget is used for laying out its children in a scrolling manner.
One way to build a ListView
widget is to use ListView.builder
. It has two main properties:
: This property includes the number of items to be displayed in ListView.itemBuilder
: This property takes an anonymous function with two parameters(context, index)
to render each row of the list. Theindex
keeps track of the number of the item in the list.
A BuildContext is like the handle to the location of a widget in the widget tree.
In the last lesson, we saw that movies = data['results'];
holds the movie entries returned as the API response.
In this lesson, we’ll print each of the entries using a Text
widget inside the Padding
widget to give some space to avoid text overlapping.
//NEW CODE: Rendering movies in ListView
//Calculating number of items using `movies` variable
itemCount: movies == null ? 0 : movies.length,
//Passing widget handle as `context`, and `index` to process one item at a time
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return Padding(
//Adding padding around the list row
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
//Displaying title of the movie only for now
child: Text(movies[index]["title"]),
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