
Learn about the ListView widget in Flutter, which builds the child widgets one after the other and also makes them scrollable.

Just like Column and Row widgets, ListView widgets are used to arrange the children in a list. The children of ListView are scrollable by default.

There are two ways to construct a list of widgets in Flutter. One is simple ListView, which will take the children property just like Column or Row, and the other is ListView.builder, which will take a function itemBuilder(int index). Based on that index, we can build common or custom widgets for each index. For the ListView.builder, we have to provide the size of the list we’re going to build.

Generally, we use ListView for smaller size lists and ListView.builder for larger lists because ListView.builder builds the child widgets on the go when they are about to be visible on screen, thus saving resources, unlike the normal ListView constructor.

In the example below, we’ll build a list of widgets with the ListView.builder constructor:

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