What is Google's AdMob?
Learn to set up AdMob in our todo application.
You’ve probably seen many ads while using apps on your phone. Ads are one of the ways that developers generate revenue. There are various service providers that generate ads on request, and Google’s AdMob is one of them. In this lesson, we’ll learn about AdMob and how it works. We’ll also set it up for our own app.
The AdMob advertising platform is used to promote and monetize mobile apps. It enables app developers to monetize by providing in-app advertising as well as intelligent analysis through Google Analytics.
AdMob matches advertising to an app based on the criteria of the developer’s choice with advertisers who wish to promote the design of their products and pay for the advertising. The amount made with AdMob will vary since these advertisers pay varying prices for different advertising.
AdMob setup
First, we have to sign up on AdMob and then create an app there. After signing in, we create an app by finding “Apps” in the menu on the left side of the page and clicking “Add App.”
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