Variable Types
This lesson gives an overview of all the types of variables in C# like int, bool, double, char and float and much more!
An integer is a number that does not have any decimal places. It is a whole number, for example, 1,2,3,4 are all integers. 4.3 is not. If you were to try and place the number 4.3 into an integer, the number would be truncated to 4.
There are further different types in an integer as well. All of them differ in size which we’ll discuss further down the lesson.
Let’s take a look at them one by one.
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using System;namespace VariablesExampleOne{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){sbyte a = -128;Console.WriteLine("The variable a contains " + a);byte b = 255;Console.WriteLine("The variable b contains " + b);short c = 32767;Console.WriteLine("The variable c contains " + c);ushort d = 65535;Console.WriteLine("The variable d contains " + d);int e = 2147483647;Console.WriteLine("The variable e contains " + e);uint f = 4294967295;Console.WriteLine("The variable f contains " + f);long g = 9223372036854775807;Console.WriteLine("The variable g contains " + g);ulong h = 18446744073709551615;Console.WriteLine("The variable h contains " + h);}}}
Floats are floating point numbers with a ...
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