
Learn Unity raycasting for realistic collision detection, object selection, and enhanced game interactivity.

Unity is a powerful game development engine that provides various tools for game developers. One such tool is raycasting, an important technique that allows developers to simulate the behavior of real-world physics in their games. In this lesson, we’ll discuss raycasting and how it works and then provide a step-by-step guide to implementing raycasting in a Unity project.

Raycasting is a technique used in computer graphics and game development to simulate the behavior of light rays. It works by tracing a straight line from a source point in a specific direction to determine whether it intersects with any objects in the scene. Raycasting determines the position and properties of objects in the ray’s path, such as walls, floors, and other GameObjects.

In Unity, raycasting use cases vary across collision detection, object selection, and many other applications. It is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance the realism and interactivity of a game.

How does raycasting work in Unity?

Raycasting in Unity uses the Physics.Raycast method. This method takes a Ray object as its parameter, a data structure containing the origin and direction of the ray. The method then returns information about any objects that intersect the ray, such as the point of intersection and the surface’s normal vector.

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 Raycasting explained
Raycasting explained

Here’s an illustration demonstrating the key components of raycasting in Unity: the ray’s origin, direction, and distance, which are essential for precise collision detection.

Raycasting libraries


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