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Deno Web Development
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What Is Deno?
Performance and Resource Efficiency
Blocking vs. Non-blocking Mode
Why Deno?
Architectures and Technologies that Support Deno
Deno's Limitations
Exploring the Deno Use Cases
Summary of What Is Deno?
Quiz on the Basic of Deno
The Toolchain
First Program with Deno
Debugging Code in Deno
Modules and Third-Party Dependencies
Managing Dependencies
Exploring Documentation
Running and Installing Scripts
Using the test Command
Formatting and Linting
Bundling and Compiling Code
Summary of the Toolchain
Quiz on Deno’s Toolchain
Challenge: Deno Formatting, Permissions, and Testing
Solution: Deno Formatting, Permissions, and Testing
The Runtime and Standard Library
Introduction to the Runtime and Standard Library
Deno Runtime
Exploring the Deno Namespace
The Filesystem APIs
Using the Standard Library
Part 1: Building a Web Server Using the HTTP Module
Part 2: Building a Web Server Using the HTTP Module
Serving the Frontend
Summary of the Runtime and Standard Library
Quiz on Deno Runtime and the Standard Library
Challenge: The Deno Runtime and Standard Library
Solution: The Deno Runtime and Standard Library
Building a Web Application
Introduction to Building a Web Application
Structuring a Web Application
Understanding Folder Structure and Application Architecture
Developing the Business Logic
Developing the Data Accessing Logic
Creating the Web Server
Exploring Deno HTTP Frameworks: Drash and Servest
Exploring Deno HTTP Frameworks: Oak and Alosaur
Summary of Building a Web Application
Quiz on Building a Web Application
Challenge: Building a Web App
Solution: Building a Web Application
Adding Users and Migrating to Oak
Introduction to Oak as a Middleware Framework
Managing Dependencies and Lock Files
Writing a Web Server with Oak
Handling Routes in an Oak Application
Adding Users to the Application
Storing a User in the Database
Creating the Register Endpoint
Summary of Adding Users and Migrating to Oak
Quiz on Adding Users and Migrating to Oak
Challenge: Adding Users and Migrating to Oak
Solution: Adding Users and Migrating to Oak
Adding Authentication and Connecting to the Database
Introduction to Authentication
Using Middleware Functions
Adding Request Logging via Middleware
Adding Authentication
Creating the Login Endpoint
Adding Authorization with JWTs
Making an Authenticated Route
Connecting to MongoDB
Developing the MongoDB Repository
Connecting to a MongoDB Cluster
Summary of Adding Authentication and Connecting to the Database.
Quiz on Adding Authentication and Connecting to the Database
Challenge: Adding Authentication
Solution: Adding Authentication
HTTPS, Extracting Configuration, and Deno in the Browser
Introduction to Extracting Configurations
Enabling CORS and HTTPS
Enabling HTTPS
Extracting Configuration and Secrets
Accessing Secret Values
Run Deno Code in the Browser
Summary of HTTPS, Extracting Configuration, and Deno in the Browser
Quiz on HTTPs, Extracting Configuration, and Deno in the Browser
Challenge: Enabling CORS
Solution: Enabling CORS
Unit and Integration Testing
Introduction to Testing
Writing Our First Test in Deno
Writing an Integration Test
Testing the Web Server
Creating Integration Tests for the Application
Testing the Application with the API Client
Benchmarking Parts of the Application
Summary of Unit and Integration Testing
Quiz on Testing
Challenge: Writing an Integration Test
Solution: Writing an Integration Test
Deploying a Deno Application using Local Machine
Introduction to Deployment
Preparing the Environment for the Application
Building and Running the Application in Heroku
Configuring the Application for Deployment
Getting the Application Port from the Environment
Summary of Deploying a Deno Application Using Local Machine
Course Wrap Up
Deno's Roadmap
Publishing a Package to Deno's Official Registry
Summary of Conclusion
Installing Deno
Set Environment Variables
Benchmarking Parts of the Application
Learn how to benchmark parts of a Deno application.
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