

Introduction to Building Projects

Introduction to Building Projects

An overview of this course.

Building software

Building great software is hard, and Elixir is not a magical solution for that challenge. Though it makes dealing with processes easier, concurrent code will never be easy. By the end of this course, though, you can feel confident facing things like intimidating scalability requirements, performance consistency under load, or highly interactive experiences.

Using Elixir

Perhaps you’ve found a valuable companion in Elixir, with some characteristics you believe can help you with some of these challenges, even if you don’t fully understand them. Maybe Elixir is your first functional language, as it is for many of us. Either way, you may need some guidance on how to:

  • Choose your data structures.

  • Organize your functions.

  • Choose an approach to use in regards to dealing with concurrency in Elixir.

You are certainly not alone, and we’re here to help! We won’t offer blanket solutions to trivial problems that have general design advice. Instead, we’ll provide mental models for dealing with complexity piece by piece.

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