Importing RDF with n10s—A Neo4j Plug-in
Learn how to query RDF graphs as property graphs in Neo4j using neosemantics.
The property graphs and RDF graphs seem to be separate worlds that we need to bridge, and there is a way.
Graph interchange via neosemantics
We know that RDF provides a number of standard serializations. This should make graph interchange simpler. Neosemantics (or n10s) is a Neo4j plug-in for importing and exporting RDF graphs into Neo4j—a property graph store—and claims to do that losslessly. Sounds perfect. Let’s explore.
Note: There is a super helpful “Neosemantics (n10s) User Guide” that can be found here. Installation is very simple. We just need to copy the neosemantics jar file into the
folder of our local Neo4j instance, update the Neo4j config file, and restart the server.
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