Generate a New Phoenix Application
Learn how to create a Phoenix application.
This is where the fun really begins. We’ll have a new web app up and serving pages with just a couple of shell commands. Phoenix will serve them faster than we might have thought possible.
In the widget present in this lesson, we use Node.js to install front-end dependencies such as Brunch. Phoenix uses Brunch as a build tool. Node.js doesn’t play a role within Phoenix proper as such. Take a look at Appendix, Installing System Dependencies, if you need help installing them.
By default, the Phoenix project generator will install Ecto—the Elixir data wrapping and query generating package. The generator will also install Brunch by default.
We won’t need to use Ecto because we won’t be using a database. We will use Brunch because we need to serve some assets for our game’s web version.
We will call the Phoenix interface project islands_interface
. We will pass that name into the
Mix task that the installer archive exposes. We will also pass the name into the --no-ecto
flag telling
not to install Ecto.
Create a Phoenix project
We change the islands_engine
directory into the islands_interface
parent directory before we issue the following command. That way, when we run the
task, we create the interface directory parallel to the engine directory:
mix islands_interface --no-ecto
Note: Run this command in the terminal below.
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