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Hands-On Quantum Machine Learning with Python
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Getting Started
Quantum Machine Learning—Beyond The Hype
Quantum Computing
The Case for Quantum Machine Learning
Quiz: Introduction to Quantum Machine Learning
Binary Classification
Getting and Looking at the Dataset
Data Preprocessing: Missing Values
Data Preprocessing: Identifiers
Data Preprocessing: Handling Text and Categorical Attributes
Data Preprocessing: 4- Feature Scaling
Data Preprocessing: Training and Testing
Classifier Evaluation
Classifier Measures
Unmask the Hypocrite Classifier
Visualization of Hypocrite Classifiers
Performance Evaluation of Hypocrite Classifier
Quiz: Binary Classification
Qubit and Quantum States
The Qubit
Exploring the Quantum States
A Visual Exploration of the Qubit State
Bypassing the Normalization
Exploring the Observer Effect
Parameterized Quantum Circuit
Variational Hybrid Quantum Classical Algorithm
Implementing of Variational Hybrid Quantum Classical Algorithm
The Weighting Pre‐processing
Quiz: Qubit and Quantum States
Probabilistic Binary Classifier
Towards Naïve Bayes
Bayes' Theorem
Gaussian Naïve Bayes
Quiz: Probabilistic Binary Classifier
Working with Qubits
You Don't Need to Be a Mathematician
A Reimplementation of OR
The Measured Qubit
Quantumic Math
When to Differentiate State |0> From State |1>
Gamble with Quantum Computing
Probabilities and the Qubit States
Rotating the Qubit State
Quiz: Working with Qubits
Working with Multiple Qubits
Hands-On Introduction to Quantum Entanglement
Implementing the CNOT gate
The Equation Einstein Could Not Believe
The Two Qubit States and Their Transformation
Calculating the Transformation Matrix
Quantum Programming for Non-mathematicians
Representing a Marginal Probability
Calculating Joint Probability
The Controlled RY Gate
Calculating Conditional Probability
Applying the Prior
Calculating the Posterior
Quiz: Working with Multiple Qubits
Quantum Naïve Bayes
More on Naïve Bayes
Calculating the Posterior Probability
Quiz: Quantum Naïve Bayes
Quantum Computing Is Different
The No-Cloning Theorem
How to Solve a Problem with Quantum Computing
Depicting the Transformation O-gate
Deutsch's Algorithm
The Quantum Oracle, Demystified
Magician-created Code
Quiz: Working with Multiple Qubits
Quantum Bayesian Networks
Introduction to Quantum Bayesian Networks
Bayesian Networks
Composing Quantum Computing Controls
The CCNOT-gate
Circuit Implementation
Executing the Circuit
Quiz: Working with Multiple Qubits
Bayesian Inference
Introduction to Bayesian Inference
Estimating a Single Data Point
Calculating the log‐likelihood when ignoring the missing data
Estimating a Variable
Calculating the Probabilities Related to the Ticket Class
Calculating the Parameters
Calculating the Marginal Probability and Log-likelihood
Calculating New Parameters
Predict Survival
Quiz: Bayesian Inference
The World Is Not a Disk
The Qubit Phase
Two Different Qubit States
The Different States in the Bloch Sphere
Visualizing the Invisible Qubit Phase
The Z-gate
Multi-qubit Phase
The Controlled Z-gate
Phase Kickback
The Bloch Spheres of the State | +->
Quantum Amplitudes and Probabilities
Quiz: The World Is Not a Disk
Working with the Qubit Phase
Using Grover's Algorithm
Basic Amplitude Amplification
Two-qubit Amplification
The Two‐qubit Grover Searching |10>
Quiz: Working with the Qubit Phase
Search for Relatives
The Convenience Function and Probabilities for Relatives
Turning the Problem into a Circuit
The Oracle and Amplifier Functions
The Search Algorithm
Multiple Results
Quiz: Searching for Relatives
Forward Sampling
Bayesian Rejection Sampling
Quantum Rejection Sampling
The Amplifier Function
Quiz: Sampling
What's Next?
Configuring Your Quantum Machine Learning Workstation
Configuring Ubuntu for Quantum Machine Learning with Python
How to Set Up JupyterLab for Quantum Computing on Windows
Course Assessment
Quantum Machine Learning in Python
Applying the Prior
Learn how we can apply the prior.
The overlap when applying the prior twice
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