LINQ - Query Syntax
Let's learn about LINQ query syntax.
What is LINQ?
A query expression statement extracts specific information from a collection of data. The query syntax in C# is called Language Integrated Query, (LINQ). LINQs are used on collections of data, such as lists
or arrays
, which are container types for the IEnumerable<T>
interface. Any container type of IEnumerable
To use a LINQ, include the following at the top of the code:
using system.Linq;// C# 10 comes with ImplicitUsings, meaning the most popular using namespaces such as this one are already built-in so there is no need to declare it
In the examples below, the various clauses that make up a query are covered. Clauses are a smaller syntax than a full expression; LINQs require multiple clauses to be a complete expression.
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