Introduction to the Architecture Meta-Frame

Get an overview of the architecture meta-frame.


Architecture drivers are the considerations that must be made for architecturally significant software systems. So, what are these considerations? How do we make this a complete process?

Microsoft recommended one of these guidelines, known as the architecture meta-frameMicrosoft® Application Architecture Guide, 2nd Edition (Patterns & Practices). 2009. Microsoft Press.. Similar guidelines can be found within the literatureMaciaszek, Leszek, Tomasz Skalniak, and Grzegorz Biziel. “A meta-architecture for service-oriented systems and applications.” Fourth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design. 2014. as well. The architecture meta-frame can be considered as a checklist. It defines certain guidelines that define how to perform certain tasks. Using these guidelines, we can see our application, and decide which architectural style suits our needs best.

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