What Is Software Architecture?

Get an overview of software architecture and design.

What is design?

Before we dive into different architectural styles, let’s discuss what a design actually is. According to the dictionary, design can be defined as a verb (to make or draw plans for something, e.g., buildings) and also as a noun (a drawing/set of drawings not only showing the design of the product to be made, but also how the finalized product will work and look). Therefore, design as a verb is an activity that will produce a document (i.e., a noun)—such as a sketch or a blueprint—that illustrates the final product’s appearance.

Different designs are made for different products every day. For example, a team discusses the shape, colors, etc., of a product—that’s a design. Similarly, building designs include the elevation of the building. There are floor designs and discussions on how many rooms a house will have, the different features of each room, their dimensions, where to plant different trees, etc. Interior designs then discuss the setup of each room—the room’s color, which furniture to buy for the room, its placement, along with other minute details.

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