Automated and Manual Refactorings

We will learn automated and manual refactoring to reduce the code junk overheard.

Refactoring code is always a delicate task which can lead to a bigger misunderstanding if not done carefully.

In our case, the answer local variable doesn’t clarify the code, and it’s used only once. Inline (remove) the variable by replacing its use with the answerMatching(criterion) expression (line 2) in

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for (Criterion criterion: criteria) {
boolean match = criterion.matches(answerMatching(criterion));
if (!match && criterion.getWeight() == Weight.MustMatch) {
kill = true;
if (match) {
score += criterion.getWeight().getValue();
anyMatches |= match;

Automatic Refactoring

We could manually inline answer, but our IDE will most likely automate the inline refactoring. In Eclipse, select RefactorInline from the ...

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