The Concept of Knowledge

Learn how to turn information into knowledge.

Introducing knowledge

Knowledge is the result of the process of adding context to information. It is the third level of the DIKW pyramid and requires communication skills. Extracting knowledge involves setting the context for data, raising the audience’s interest, explaining the problem, and revealing a possible solution.

How to extract knowledge from information

Extracting knowledge from information is building a data story around the extracted information. Setting a data story is similar to setting the plot for a story, with the difference that the story’s main characters are data. Typically, a story comprises three main parts: the context, the main event, and the resolution.

  • The context is the initial situation of the story and corresponds to the background before something happens.

  • The main event is something that intervenes to interrupt the stillness defined in the background.

  • The resolution is the final situation after the event.

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