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What is WordUtils.containsAllWords in Java?

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containsAllWords is a static method of the WordUtils class that is used to check whether the given string contains all the words in a given array of words.

The comparison is case-sensitive.

Add apache commons-lang package

WordUtils is defined in the Apache Commons Text package. Apache Commons Text can be added to the Maven project by adding the following dependency to the pom.xml file.


For other versions of the commons-text package, refer to the Maven Repository.

Import WordUtils

You can import the WordUtils class as follows:

import org.apache.commons.text.WordUtils;


public static boolean containsAllWords(final CharSequence word, final CharSequence... words)


  • final CharSequence word: the string/character sequence to check.

  • final CharSequence... words: list of words to search.


true if all the search words are found in the string else false


Example 1

  • text = "hello educative, how are you?!";
  • list of words = ["hello", "educative"]

Applying the containsAllWords function would result in true as all the words are present in the text.

Example 2

  • text = "hello educative, how are you?!";

  • list of words = ["hello", "educative", "HOW"]

Applying the containsAllWords function would result in false as the word HOW is not present in the text, and the comparison is case-sensitive

Example 3

  • text = "hello educative, how are you?!";

  • list of words = ["hello", "educative", "him"]

Applying the containsAllWords function would result in false as the word him is not present in the text.

import org.apache.commons.text.WordUtils;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String text = "hello educative, how are you?!";
boolean flag = WordUtils.containsAllWords(text, "hello", "educative");
flag = WordUtils.containsAllWords(text, "hello", "educative", "HOW");
flag = WordUtils.containsAllWords(text, "hello", "educative", "him");




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