The System Design Interview Prep Handbook

The System Design Interview Prep Handbook


13 Lessons


Certificate of Completion

AI Explanations
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The System Design Interview Prep Handbook
31 Illustrations

Takeaway Skills

Simulate the real-world design process in the interview.

Tackle any System Design problem with an 8-step method.

Discuss the appropriate talking points for your desired role.

Demonstrate collaboration skills, adaptability, and a growth mindset.

Complete your high-level design under a time crunch.

Evaluate trade-offs between common System Design attributes.

Recognize commonly used components in any System Design (e.g., cache, load balancer, etc.).

Understand the importance of mastering System Design Interviews at tech companies.

Course Overview

Only 1 in 5 candidates pass the entire technical interview process at tech companies—their most common pitfall is the System Design Interview. When it comes to System Design Interview preparation, it's not enough to practice System Design Interview questions. This is because, unlike other technical interviews, there are many possible solutions to a given System Design problem. Rather, to excel in these interviews, you must be able to demonstrate the soft skills and thought processes that interviewers are lo...Show More


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