Yet Another Compiler Compiler (YACC) is a tool that generates a parser program for a given
Note: To learn more about the LEX lexical analyzer generator, we can click here.
A YACC program contains three main sections:
Auxiliary routines
Definitions are at the top of the YACC input file. They include header files or any information about the regular definitions or
Some examples are as follows:
%token ID
{% #include <stdio.h> %}
Rules are between
Auxiliary routines includes functions that we may require in the rules section. Here, we write a function in regular C syntax. This section includes the main()
function, in which the yyparse()
function is always called.
The yyparse()
function reads the tokens, performs the actions, and returns to the main when it reaches the end of the file or when an error occurs. It returns
The following code is an example of a YACC program of a simple calculator taking two operands. The .y
extension file contains the YACC code for the parser generation, which uses the .l
extension file that includes the lexical analyzer.
%{#include <ctype.h>#include <stdio.h>int yylex();void yyerror();int tmp=0;%}%token num%left '+' '-'%left '*' '/'%left '(' ')'%%line :exp {printf("=%d\n",$$); return 0;};exp :exp '+' exp {$$ =$1+$3;}| exp '-' exp {$$ =$1-$3;}| exp '*' exp {$$ =$1*$3;}| exp '/' exp {$$ =$1/$3;}| '(' exp ')' {$$=$2;}| num {$$=$1;};%%void yyerror(){printf("The arithmetic expression is incorrect\n");tmp=1;}int main(){printf("Enter an arithmetic expression(can contain +,-,*,/ or parenthesis):\n");yyparse();}
In the file.y
YACC file:
Lines 1–7: We initialize the header files with the function definitions.
Lines 9–12: We initialize the tokens for the grammar.
Lines 16–23: We define the grammar used to build the calculator.
Lines 27–34: We define an error function with the main function.
In lexfile.l
Lex file:
Lines 1–7: The header files are initialized along with the YACC file included as a header file.
Lines 11–18: The regular definition of the expected tokens is defined such as the calculator input will contain digits 0-9.
To execute the code, we need to type the following commands in the terminal below:
We type lex lexfile.l
and press "Enter" to compile the Lex file.
We type yacc -d yaccfile.y
and press "Enter" to compile the YACC file.
We type gcc -Wall -o output lex.yy.c
and press "Enter" to generate the C files for execution.
We type ./output
to execute the program.