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20 essential Ruby interview questions

15 min read
Jan 29, 2025
Basic Ruby interview questions
1. What are the different types of variables in Ruby?
2. What are the levels of access control for Ruby methods?
3. What is the difference between symbols and strings?
4. What is the purpose of Ruby’s require and require_relative methods?
5. What is the difference between nil and false?
6. How does a block differ from a method in Ruby?
7. What is the purpose of the self keyword in Ruby?
Intermediate Ruby interview questions
8. What is the difference between a Ruby class and a module?
9. What is a case statement in Ruby?
10. What is the purpose of the super keyword in Ruby?
11. What is the difference between == and eql? in Ruby?
12. What are some commonly used iterators in Ruby?
13. What is the difference between proc and lambda in Ruby?
14. How does string interpolation work in Ruby?
Advanced Ruby interview questions
15. What is Ruby’s garbage collection mechanism, and how does it work?
16. What’s the purpose of the method_missing method in Ruby?
17. What are singleton methods in Ruby, and how are they implemented?
18. What are Ruby’s enumerator objects, and how are they used?
19. What is the difference between include and extend in Ruby?
20. What are common security attacks, and how Ruby addresses them?
Next steps

Did you know that Ruby on Rails powers over a million websites, including platforms like Shopify and GitHub? This robust framework, combined with Ruby’s simplicity and elegance, has made it a favorite among developers and companies. Whether you’re a fresh graduate or a seasoned programmer, excelling in Ruby interview can open doors to top-tier tech companies. Preparing for these interviews sharpens your coding skills and enhances your ability to solve complex problems efficiently.

In this blog, we will cover:

  • 20 essential Ruby interview questions categorized into:

    • Basic level

    • Intermediate level

    • Advanced level

  • Tips to excel in Ruby interviews, including key strategies and best practices.

  • Resources for further preparation, with links to courses and practice materials.

Basic Ruby interview questions#

These questions test your foundational knowledge of Ruby, including its basic syntax and core concepts.

1. What are the different types of variables in Ruby?#

Ruby has four main types of variables:

  • Local variables: Declared within a function or block, accessible only within that specific scope, and typically named using lowercase letters or underscores.

  • Instance variables: Prefixed with @, specific to instances of a class.

  • Class variables: Prefixed with @@, shared across all instances of a class.

  • Global variables: Prefixed with $, accessible anywhere in the program.

$global_variable = "I'm a global variable"
class Example
@@class_variable = "I'm a class variable"
def initialize
@instance_variable = "I'm an instance variable"
def show_local_variable
local_variable = "I'm a local variable"
puts local_variable

In the code above, four types of variables are demonstrated. A global variable $global_variable is accessible throughout the entire program. A class variable @@class_variable is shared across all instances of the Example class. Inside the initialize method, an instance variable @instance_variable is unique to each object created from the class. Within the show_local_variable method, a local variable local_variable is defined and used only within the method’s scope. Each variable type has specific accessibility based on where and how it’s defined.

2. What are the levels of access control for Ruby methods?#

Ruby provides three main access control levels:

  • Public: Methods accessible from anywhere.

  • Private: Methods can only be accessed within the current object.

  • Protected: Methods accessible within instances of the same class or subclasses.

3. What is the difference between symbols and strings?#

Symbols and strings are both used to represent text in Ruby, but there are key differences:

  • Symbols are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed once created. They are typically used as identifiers (e.g., keys in hashes).

  • Strings are mutable, allowing changes to the content, and are used when the actual text needs to be modified.

# Using symbols as hash keys
symbol_hash = { key: "value" }
puts "Symbol key access: #{symbol_hash[:key]}" # Output: "Symbol key access: value"
# Using strings as hash keys
string_hash = { "key" => "value" }
puts "String key access: #{string_hash["key"]}" # Output: "String key access: value"

The code above demonstrates two types of keys used in hashes. The first hash uses a symbol :key as the key, which is more memory-efficient and commonly used to represent fixed identifiers. The second hash uses a string "key" as the key, which is more flexible but less efficient for performance.

4. What is the purpose of Ruby’s require and require_relative methods?#

  • require: Loads external libraries or Ruby files from library directories (e.g., Ruby’s standard library or installed gems).

  • require_relative: Loads Ruby files relative to the directory of the current file. This is particularly useful for loading files within the same project structure, using the current file’s path as a reference.

# Loads the JSON library from Ruby's standard library
require 'json'
# Loads a file relative to the current file's path
require_relative 'my_file'

In the above code, the require 'json' method loads the JSON library from Ruby’s standard library, enabling JSON parsing and generation features. On the other hand, the require_relative 'my_file' method loads a file relative to the current file’s path, making it useful for including files within the same project or directory.

5. What is the difference between nil and false?#

In Ruby, nil and false values are considered “falsy”, but represent different concepts.

  • nil: Represents the absence of a value and is an object of NilClass.

  • false: A boolean value representing a negative result, an object of FalseClass

6. How does a block differ from a method in Ruby?#

A block in Ruby is a chunk of code passed to a method to perform iteration or other operations. Blocks are not objects but can be converted into Proc objects for reuse. Unlike methods, blocks do not have names.

# Defining a method
def greet(name)
puts "Hello, #{name}!"
# Calling the method
greet("Alice") # Output: Hello, Alice!
#Method to process numbers with a block during iteration
def process_numbers(numbers)
# Define the parameter to receive values passed to the block
numbers.each do |number|
#The block multiplies each number by 2 and prints it
puts number * 2
# Calling the method with a block
process_numbers([1, 2, 3]) # Output: 2 4 6
# Defining a method that accepts a block
def greet_with_block(name)
# The 'yield' keyword executes the block if provided;
#'block_given?' checks for block presence
yield(name) if block_given?
# Passing a block to the method
greet_with_block("Bob") { |name| puts "Hello, #{name}!" } # Output: Hello, Bob!

This code defines a greet method that prints a greeting with a passed name. The greet("Alice") call outputs, “Hello, Alice!” The process_numbers method takes an array, and using a block, it doubles each number and prints the result, as seen in the output “2 4 6.”

The greet_with_block method uses yield to execute a block if provided, with block_given? checking for the block’s presence. The call greet_with_block("Bob") { |name| puts "Hello, #{name}!" } outputs, “Hello, Bob!”

7. What is the purpose of the self keyword in Ruby?#

The self keyword refers to the current object or context in which the code is being executed. It can refer to objects depending on where it is used—within a class, method, or block. In short, the value of self changes depending on where it’s used.

  • In instance methods, self refers to the instance of the class.

  • In class methods, self refers to the class itself.

  • In blocks, self refers to the outer context defined by the block.

# Example 1: Using self within a class
class Person
# The initialize method sets up an instance with a given name
def initialize(name)
@name = name # @name is an instance variable that stores the name
# A method to display the name and the current object
def show_name
puts "The name is #{@name}." # Accesses the instance variable @name
puts "self refers to the current object: #{self}" # self points to the instance calling this method
# Creating an instance of the Person class
person = Person.new("Alice")
# Calling the show_name method, which prints the name and the current object
# Output:
# The name is Alice.
# self refers to the current object: #<Person:0x00007fb058d60730>
# Example 2: Using self inside a class method
class Car
# A class method defined using self. It belongs to the class, not any instance
def self.car_type
puts "self refers to the class: #{self}" # self here points to the Car class
# Calling the class method car_type directly on the Car class
# Output:
# self refers to the class: Car
# Example 3: Using self inside an instance method and inside a block
class Calculator
# An instance method to add two numbers and optionally execute a block
def add(a, b)
puts "Inside instance method: #{self}" # self refers to the instance of Calculator calling this method
result = a + b # Adds the two numbers
yield(result) if block_given? # Executes the block passed to this method, passing the result to it
# Creating an instance of Calculator
calculator = Calculator.new
# Calling the add method with two numbers and a block
calculator.add(5, 3) do |result|
# Inside the block, result holds the sum of the numbers
puts "The result inside the block is #{result}."
# self inside the block refers to the context in which the block is defined, here it's the main object
puts "Inside block: #{self}"
# Output:
# Inside instance method: #<Calculator:0x00007f81e48af318>
# The result inside the block is 8.
# Inside block: main

This code demonstrates the use of self in different contexts in Ruby:

  • In Example 1, self inside an instance method refers to the current object. The Person class’s show_name method accesses the instance variable @name and prints the current object using self.

  • In Example 2, self inside a class method points to the class itself (Car). The class method car_type outputs the class name.

  • In Example 3, self inside the add method refers to the calculator object because the method is being called on it. Inside the block, however, self refers to the context where the block is defined, which is the main object in this case. This is because blocks inherit the context of their definition, not the calling object.

Intermediate Ruby interview questions#

These questions test a deeper understanding of Ruby’s advanced features, syntax, and functionality.

8. What is the difference between a Ruby class and a module?#

In Ruby, both classes and modules are used to group methods and variables together, but they serve different purposes and have different characteristics:

  • Classes are blueprints for creating objects (instances). They allow for inheritance, where one class can inherit methods and properties from another.

  • Modules are collections of methods and constants that cannot be instantiated. They are mainly used to share functionality across different classes through mixins, but unlike classes, they cannot be inherited.

# Defining a class
class Car
def initialize(make, model)
@make = make
@model = model
def info
"#{@make} #{@model}"
# Creating an instance of Car
my_car = Car.new("Toyota", "Corolla")
puts my_car.info # Output: Toyota Corolla
# Defining a module
module Drivable
def drive
"Driving the car..."
# Adding the module to a class using `include`
class ElectricCar < Car
include Drivable
# Creating an instance of ElectricCar
my_electric_car = ElectricCar.new("Tesla", "Model S")
puts my_electric_car.info # Output: Tesla Model S
puts my_electric_car.drive # Output: Driving the car...
# Module cannot be instantiated
# drivable_car = Drivable.new # This will result in an error: `cannot instantiate module`

This code demonstrates classes and modules in Ruby. The Car class is initialized with the make and model arguments, and the info method returns a string containing them. An instance of Car is created, and its info method is called.

The Drivable module defines a drive method included in the ElectricCar class, allowing its instances to use both info and drive.

Modules cannot be instantiated, so attempting to create an instance of Drivable would cause an error.

9. What is a case statement in Ruby?#

The case statement in Ruby checks multiple conditions, similar to a switch case in other languages. It simplifies complex if-else chains.

case fruit
when 'apple'
puts "An apple a day"
when 'banana'
puts "Bananas are rich in potassium"
puts "Unknown fruit"

This code demonstrates a case statement in Ruby. It checks the value of fruit:

  • If fruit is 'apple', it prints “An apple a day.”

  • If fruit is 'banana', it prints, “Bananas are rich in potassium.”

  • For any other value, it prints “Unknown fruit.”

10. What is the purpose of the super keyword in Ruby?#

In Ruby, the super keyword is used within a child class method to call the corresponding overridden method in the parent class. This allows the child class to reuse or extend the behavior defined in the parent class. The super keyword can be used with or without arguments, and its behavior varies accordingly:

  • Without arguments: It passes the same arguments from the child class method to the parent class method.

  • With arguments: It passes only the arguments provided explicitly to super to the parent class method, overriding the default behavior of forwarding all arguments.

class Animal
def speak(num)
puts "Animal makes #{num} sounds"
class Dog < Animal
def speak(num)
super # Calls the parent class speak method with the default argument num
puts "Woof! " * num
class Cat < Animal
def speak(num)
super(2 * num) # Calls the parent class speak method with argument 2 * num
puts "Meow! " * 2 * num
dog = Dog.new
dog.speak(2) # Output: Animal makes 2 sounds \n Woof! Woof!
cat = Cat.new
cat.speak(2) # Output: Animal makes 4 sounds \n Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow!

This code demonstrates method overriding and the use of super in Ruby.

  • The Animal class defines a speak method that takes an argument num and prints a message about the number of sounds the animal makes.

  • The Dog class inherits from Animal and overrides the speak method. It uses super without arguments, which calls the parent class’s speak method with the same num argument passed to the child class’s method.

  • The Cat class also inherits from Animal and overrides the speak method. It calls the parent class’s speak method with a modified argument (2 * num) by explicitly using super(2 * num)

11. What is the difference between == and eql? in Ruby?#

  • == is used to compare the values of two objects.

  • eql? is stricter and compares the value and the type of two objects. Ruby also uses eql? under the hood to determine whether two hash keys are equal.

puts 5 == 5.0 # Output: true (Values are the same after type conversion)
puts 5.eql?(5.0) # Output: false (Different types)
puts 5 == "5" # Output: false (There’s' no type conversion, so values are not considered the same)
hash = { 5 => "Five", 5.0 => "Five point zero" }
puts hash[5] # Output: five
puts hash[5.0] # Output: five point zero

The code above explains the following:

  • When the values are the same after type conversion, == returns true. Otherwise false.

  • The method eql? is used internally for hash keys, so different values are retrieved when keys have a different type (integer vs. float).

12. What are some commonly used iterators in Ruby?#

Ruby provides several built-in iterators that enable traversal and manipulation of collections like arrays and hashes.

  • each: The each iterator loops through each element in a collection, such as an array or hash, and executes a code block for each element.

  • map: The map iterator creates a new array by transforming a code block to each element in the original collection.

  • select: The select iterator filters elements in a collection based on a boolean condition specified in the block, returning a new array with only the elements that meet the condition.

  • reduce: The reduce iterator (also known as inject) accumulates a result by combining collection elements using the logic defined in the block, returning a single value after processing all elements.

  • each_with_index: The each_with_index iterator is similar to each, but it also provides the index of each element, allowing you to access both the value and its position in the collection.

13. What is the difference between proc and lambda in Ruby?#

Both Proc and lambda are objects representing blocks of code, but they behave differently, especially regarding argument handling and return behavior.

  • Lambda: A lambda is strict about the number of arguments passed. If the wrong number is provided, it raises an ArgumentError. After execution, it returns control to the caller, similar to a method.

  • Proc: A Proc is more lenient with arguments. If fewer arguments are passed, it assigns nil to the missing ones. However, if an explicit return is called inside a Proc, it returns control from the method where the Proc was called (not just from the Proc itself), which can exit the surrounding method prematurely. Without an explicit return, a Proc behaves similarly to a Lambda, returning control to the caller after execution.

# Lambda Example:
my_lambda = lambda { |x| puts "The value is #{x}" }
my_lambda.call(10) # Works fine
# my_lambda.call # ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments
# Proc Example:
my_proc = Proc.new { |x| puts "The value is #{x}" }
my_proc.call(10) # Works fine
my_proc.call # Works fine, prints "The value is "

This code demonstrates the difference between a lambda and a Proc in Ruby.

  • If you call my_lambda.call without an argument; it raises an ArgumentError.

  • On the other hand, calling my_proc.call without any arguments doesn’t raise an error and simply prints “The value is” because the missing argument is set to nil.

14. How does string interpolation work in Ruby?#

String interpolation in Ruby allows you to embed expressions inside string literals using the #{} syntax. The expressions inside the curly braces are evaluated, and the result is inserted into the string. This makes it easy to directly incorporate variables, method results, or calculations into strings.

Key points:

  • You can use variables, method calls, or even calculations inside the curly braces.

  • String interpolation is more concise and readable compared to string concatenation, which requires the use of +.

x = 5
y = 10
# Interpolating an expression into a string
message = "The sum of #{x} and #{y} is #{x + y}."
puts message

This code demonstrates string interpolation in Ruby. It creates two variables, name and age, and then uses string interpolation to embed their values into the greeting string. The result is a dynamically generated string that includes the variables’ values and is printed to the console using puts.

Advanced Ruby interview questions#

These questions are for those who deeply understand Ruby’s inner workings and advanced features.

15. What is Ruby’s garbage collection mechanism, and how does it work?#

Ruby uses automatic garbage collection to manage memory. It employs a mark-and-sweep algorithm, which works in two phases:

  • Mark phase: The garbage collector identifies and marks objects still in use by traversing references.

  • Sweep phase: It removes no longer referenced objects, freeing up memory.

Ruby also uses incremental and generational garbage collection to optimize performance. Incremental garbage collection reduces the impact of garbage collection by processing in small chunks, minimizing long pauses during program execution. Generational garbage collection focuses on younger objects, which are more likely to be unused, improving efficiency.

16. What’s the purpose of the method_missing method in Ruby?#

Ruby provides the method_missing method, which allows objects to intercept calls to undefined methods. When a method that doesn’t exist is called on an object, method_missing is triggered, enabling dynamic method handling. This is useful in domain-specific languages (DSLs) or proxy objects, where undefined method calls are handled dynamically by overriding method_missing.

class DynamicMethodHandler
def method_missing(method, *args)
puts "You tried to call #{method} with arguments #{args.join(', ')}"
handler = DynamicMethodHandler.new
handler.some_method(1, 2, 3) # This will call method_missing

This code demonstrates Ruby’s method_missing feature. When a method that doesn’t exist is called on an object, the method_missing method is triggered. In this example, calling some_method on the handler object invokes method_missing, printing a message with the method name and arguments passed.

17. What are singleton methods in Ruby, and how are they implemented?#

Singleton methods are defined on a single object rather than all class instances. These methods are specific to the object they are defined on and do not affect other objects of the same class.

  • Singleton methods are stored in the object’s hidden, unique singleton class (or eigenclass).

  • This mechanism allows dynamic behavior addition to individual objects.

  • Singleton methods are often used for creating class-level methods or for metaprogrammingMetaprogramming in Ruby refers to the practice of writing code that can manipulate or modify itself during runtime. It allows programs to dynamically create, modify, or extend methods, classes, and modules..

str = "hello"
def str.greet
"Hi from #{self}"
puts str.greet # Outputs: Hi from hello
another_str = "world"
# another_str.greet will raise a NoMethodError because greet is only defined for str.

This code demonstrates defining a method on a specific object. The greet method is added to the str object, and calling str.greet outputs a greeting with the value of str. However, since greet is not defined for another_str, calling another_str.greet will raise a NoMethodError.

18. What are Ruby’s enumerator objects, and how are they used?#

Enumerator objects in Ruby allow you to create custom iteration behavior without directly implementing an iterator method. They encapsulate iteration logic, enabling lazy evaluations and allowing collections to be iterated in a reusable manner.

Key points:

  1. Enumerators can be created with methods like each, map when they are used without a block, or manually using Enumerator.new.

  2. They allow chaining for lazy evaluation, which is useful for handling large collections.

  3. Commonly used methods include next, rewind, and with_index.

# Creating an Enumerator
enum = [1, 2, 3].each
puts enum.next # Output: 1
puts enum.next # Output: 2
puts enum.next # Output: 3
# Using Enumerator for custom iteration
fib = Enumerator.new do |y| # 'y' is the Enumerator object used to yield values
a, b = 0, 1
loop do
y << a # 'y << a' sends the current value of 'a' to the Enumerator
a, b = b, a + b
puts fib.take(5) # Output: [0, 1, 1, 2, 3]

In the context of the custom Enumerator, y represents a Yielder object passed to the block. This object allows you to send values to the enumerator using the << operator, similar to how yield is used to send values from a block. The values passed to the enumerator can then be accessed sequentially by calling its methods. For instance, the take(5) method retrieves the first 5 values from the enumerator.

19. What is the difference between include and extend in Ruby?#

In Ruby, both include and extend are used to mix modules into classes, but they differ in scope and functionality:

  • include: Adds the module’s methods as instance methods to the including class.

  • extend: Adds the module’s methods as class methods to the extending class or object.

module Greetings
def say_hello
class Person
include Greetings # Adds as instance methods
extend Greetings # Adds as class methods
puts Person.say_hello #Invoking the class method: Hello!
puts Person.new.say_hello #Invoking the instance method: Hello!

This code demonstrates the use of modules in Ruby. The Greetings module defines a method say_hello. In the Person class, include Greetings adds the say_hello method as an instance method, and extend Greetings adds it as a class method. As a result, both the Person class and its instances can call say_hello.

20. What are common security attacks, and how Ruby addresses them?#

Ruby applications, like any web application, may face common security attacks. Fortunately, these can be mitigated using best practices and built-in Ruby on Rails features:

  • Cross-site scripting (XSS):
    Injecting malicious scripts into web pages.

    • Mitigation: Ensure user input is properly escaped in views to prevent malicious characters from being rendered as executable code. Avoid using html_safe unless you are certain the content is safe. Use sanitize to clean user input, removing potentially harmful tags or scripts.

  • Cross-site request forgery (CSRF):
    Tricking users into performing actions without their consent.

    • Mitigation: Rails provides built-in CSRF protection by including a unique token in forms (via protect_from_forgery), tied to the user’s session. This ensures that form submissions are intentional and secure.

  • SQL injection:
    Injecting malicious SQL code into database queries.

    • Mitigation: Use ActiveRecord’s query parameterization methods (where, find_by) instead of string interpolation in queries to separate the user input from the actual SQL query.

  • Session hijacking and fixation:
    Stealing or reusing session IDs to impersonate users.

    • Mitigation: To protect sessions from unauthorized access, use secure cookies, rotate session IDs upon login, and enable HTTPS.

By following these principles, Ruby developers can secure applications against the most common threats.

Next steps#

Mastering Ruby interview questions is key to excelling in technical interviews and showcasing expertise. Focus on Ruby fundamentals, explore advanced features, and practice regularly to build confidence and impress potential employers.

Continue honing your skills with coding challenges, real-world projects, and deeper dives into Ruby concepts.

Explore the following resources by Educative for an in-depth understanding and practical implementation of Ruby and its framework:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common Ruby interview questions?

Ruby interview questions focus on language fundamentals, object-oriented programming, data structures, algorithms, and common libraries. You can expect questions about Ruby syntax, blocks, modules, and performance optimization.

How do I prepare for a Ruby coding interview?

What Ruby concepts should I focus on for technical interviews?

How can I improve my problem-solving skills in Ruby for interviews?

What are some advanced Ruby interview topics I should be aware of?

Written By:
Dania Ahmad
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