Mastering Amazon EC2 Dynamic Scaling Policies

Mastering Amazon EC2 Dynamic Scaling Policies
Mastering Amazon EC2 Dynamic Scaling Policies


Mastering Amazon EC2 Dynamic Scaling Policies

In this Cloud Lab, you’ll learn about the different scaling options available for the Auto Scaling group, get a deep knowledge of dynamic scaling policies, and learn to use them with different metrics.

11 Tasks



Certificate of Completion

Desktop OnlyDevice is not compatible.
No Setup Required
Amazon Web Services

Learning Objectives

Thorough understanding of the launch template and the Auto Scaling group
Hands-on experience creating an Auto Scaling group
Hands-on experience creating and understanding target tracking policy for CPU utilization
Proficiency in SQS based dynamic policy and its flow
An understanding of CloudWatch alarms and their conditions
The ability to integrate SQS-based policy to a fully functional application

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