Mastering AWS Deployment Services—From Zero to Hero
In this Cloud Lab, you’ll look at different deployment services provided by AWS, including AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS App Runner. You’ll use both services to deploy a React application packaged and deployed on the AWS Elastic Container Repository.
9 Tasks
1hr 30m
Certificate of Completion
Desktop OnlyDevice is not compatible.
No Setup Required
Amazon Web Services
Learning Objectives
A thorough understanding of the core concepts related to AWS App Runner
A thorough understanding of Elastic Beanstalk and its features
Hands-on experience running image containers on AWS App Runner and Elastic Beanstalk
Hands-on experience building and pushing Docker images to the AWS Elastic Container Repository
App Runner
Elastic Beanstalk
Desktop Only
No Setup Required
Amazon Web Services
Labs Rules Apply
Stay within resource usage requirements.
Do not engage in cryptocurrency mining.
Do not engage in or encourage activity that is illegal.