Setting Up and Mounting an Elastic File System (EFS)

Setting Up and Mounting an Elastic File System (EFS)
Setting Up and Mounting an Elastic File System (EFS)


Setting Up and Mounting an Elastic File System (EFS)

In this Cloud Lab, we’ll learn to create an Elastic File System (EFS), mount it on different compute instances, and show the shareability of files across these compute instances.

8 Tasks


1hr 30m

Certificate of Completion

Desktop OnlyDevice is not compatible.
No Setup Required
Amazon Web Services

Learning Objectives

An understanding of AWS Elastic File System and its applications as a scalable storage system
The ability to mount an EFS on multiple EC2 instances
The ability to read and write files in the EFS through an EC2 instance
Working understanding of shareability of files in EFS across different compute instances

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