Tracing Step Functions Errors Using AWS X-Ray

Tracing Step Functions Errors Using AWS X-Ray
Tracing Step Functions Errors Using AWS X-Ray


Tracing Step Functions Errors Using AWS X-Ray

In this Cloud Lab, you’ll use the Lambda function to perform operations on DynamoDB. You’ll use Step Functions to create the application logic and identify issues with the help of AWS X-Ray.

8 Tasks


1hr 30m

Certificate of Completion

Desktop OnlyDevice is not compatible.
No Setup Required
Amazon Web Services

Learning Objectives

An understanding of Step Functions and its application to orchestrate, coordinate, and optimize workflows across AWS services
Hands-on experience creating Lambda functions to perform operations on DynamoDB
Hands-on experience designing and visualizing our workflows using a state machine
The ability to debug and monitor state machines using AWS X-Ray

Lambda Function logoLambda Function
Step Functions
DynamoDB logoDynamoDB