Use Case for Workflow

Become familiar with a real-life example of the workflow, which will be automated with the AWS Step Functions service.

We design an AWS Step Functions workflow to manage an automated sweets factory production line. The production process will consist of multiple stages:

  • Ingredient preparation

  • Mixing

  • Shaping

  • Quality control

  • Packaging

We will utilize all state machine activities from the AWS Step Functions service. Rest assured if you don't yet know what those state machine activities are; we'll get to that.

What exactly are we going to build?

Automated sweets factory production line

In today's fast-paced and competitive market, efficiency and productivity are crucial for the success of any business. The sweets manufacturing industry is no exception. By automating the production line in a sweets factory, we aim to optimize the manufacturing process, reduce human intervention, enhance quality control, and increase the overall output.

Optimizing the manufacturing of sweets

The automated sweets production line consists of several stages—ingredient preparation, mixing, shaping, packaging, quality control, and shipping. Each stage is orchestrated by an AWS Step Functions workflow, which ensures seamless integration and coordination between various tasks and AWS services.

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Automated sweets factory production line schema
Automated sweets factory production line schema

Using AWS Step Functions to orchestrate the entire process enables seamless integration, real-time monitoring, and robust error handling. This ensures a reliable and efficient production system.

How does the automated sweets production line work?

Ingredient preparation: The process starts with an automated inventory system that checks ingredient availability and dispenses the required quantities for each batch.

Mixing: Ingredients are mixed by automated machines programmed to follow specific recipes and quantities. The machines use sensors to monitor the mixing process and ensure consistency.

Shaping: The mixed ingredients are fed into shaping machines that produce sweets of different shapes and sizes according to the production schedule.

Quality control: Automated quality control systems check the finished products for defects.

Packaging: Once the sweets are shaped, they are sent to the packaging machines

Where do we start?

In the course, we'll start with the very concept of the serverless approach, but this will not be a typical history lesson, as there are many different courses (which have long existed) about the serverless approach itself. We'll focus on the most important aspects of the serverless approach, and the most important AWS cloud services for this approach.

In theory and practice, we'll learn about services such as AWS Lambda function, DynamoDB, API Gateway, and others. We will perform practical tasks to better understand how they work.

We will also learn to automate everything with the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool in the form of the Serverless Framework and how to make CI/CD processes fully automated for this.